• contact number04672211400
  • contact emailgptctkr@gmail.com

About Us

Govt. Polytechnic College, Trikaripur under the Department of Technical Education, Kerala, started in 1998 in Kasaragod district which is a backward district in the state.

The idea about a professional college in Trikarpur has been the dream of the people in and around Trikarpur. In Kerala, areas that were considered as backward like Trikarpur became developed, and made remarkable achievements in the field of education, but Trikarpur never had a chance to become the playground for professional and higher education. But the will power of people in this area and support of the politicians changed the scenario a few years back and a Polytechnic was sanctioned for Trikaripur. The people here are basically poor and they had a vision and a dream about their children’s higher education especially in professional and technical education that is standardized, cheap and can easily be accessible.

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Principal's Message

Technical Education plays a pivotal role in equipping individuals with the skill and knowledge necessary to excel in a rapidly changing technology world.

Our experienced and dedicated faculty members ensures that students receive a well rounded education that combines theoretical concept with practical application.

We strive to nurture a sense of belonging and pride among our students ,connecting them with successful alumni who serves as an inspiration.

The Placement Cell constantly strives to establish and strengthen relationships with organizations, ensuring that our students have access to a diverse range of employment opportunities ,soft skill development and internship opportunities.

Diverse academic programs ,student support services and vibrant campus life enhances learning journey of students to achieve goals.

Best Wishes